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  • Cancer Care /Orconology
  • Liver Transplant and
    Biliary Science
  • Card FrontNeurosciences
  • Thoracic Surgery
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  • Joint Replacements
  • Cardiac Sciences
  • Endoscopy
  • Minimal Access Surgery
  • Valvular Heart Surgery
  • The Da Vinci Xi Robotic Surgery
  • Lung Transpalnt
  • LVAD Implantation
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  • Knee Replacement Surgery
  • Bone Marrow Transplant
  • Thoracic Surgery
  • Bariatric Surgery

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Our Covid Safety Measures

In the fight against COVID-19, our doctors are our first and last line of defense. They walk the extra mile and take all the measures ensuring the safety of doctors and patients.

Be it inside the surgery or the OPD wards where doctors treat hundreds of patients every day. Our commitment to your safety is unwavering and steadfast.

From donning, doffing & disposing the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to proper sanitizing of medical equipment, our doctors make sure that every patient is provided with a safe healing environment. To ensure continuity of patient care during this pandemic, our doctors have started conducting Virtual OPDs to reach patients who find it difficult to visit the hospital physically.

We have put measures in place at our Hospitals and flu clinics stationed outside the hospital to maintain patient safety during the Coronavirus pandemic. In the face of extraordinary challenges, healthcare has been transformed.

From increased infection prevention measures to COVID-19 testing for staff and patients; ensuring social distancing norms are followed by attendants in OPD areas. Temperature checks, hand sanitization, and mandatory masks for all are few other measures taken at our hospital as part of COVID safety measures.

Max Healthcare is also providing community outreach during these tough times, informing and educating people about how to stay safe. Simple rules such as the Power of Ws. Wear masks. Wash your hands. Watch your distance.

Our safety measures do not extend to just the gates of our hospital but the patient's home as well. Our medical and nursing services such as wound care, injection, catheter insertion, catheter removal, chemo-port removal are all available in the comfort of the patients' home.

These services are provided under the guidance of expert nurses and attendants, who make sure that all the safety protocols and hygiene practices issued by WHO are followed consistently.

Your safety is our utmost priority. And we are transforming and staying a step ahead of the challenges by reinforcing our health and safety protocols every day.

Blogs And Articles

The Critical Role of Health Care Professionals During the COVID-19 Pandemic...


Ways to Have a Healthy Heart...

World Cancer Day: Stepping into a cancer-free world together...

Live a healthy lifestyle give yourself some time, be mindful and feel more content with your life...

Eat healthy, live long, live strong! Eat right, be bright. Be smart, eat smart...

COVID-19 vaccines are effective at protecting people and help them keep away from getting seriously sick...

The benefits of a good night's sleep and tips to improve...

Mental illness is not a personal failure and is cureable...